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Church Services

At St. John's we aim to provide something for everyone






9.30am Traditional Worship


This is a reverent and devotional service that uses the richness of Anglican liturgy

(Common Worship) combined with great hymns accompanied on the organ. The sermons are brief, but biblical and thought provoking. There is Holy Communion every week, except on the fourth Sunday in the month, when there is Morning Prayer. The service lasts about 50 - 60 minutes and is followed by refreshments in the hall.



11.00am Contemporary Worship


This is a more informal, but heartfelt service that uses modern songs led by a band. The sermons are practical messages, applying the Bible to the issues we all face in life. All the words used in the service are projected and communication is enhanced through images and video clips. There is a supervised creche for babies and toddlers, and an exciting and varied programme for children.


On the first Sunday of the month everyone meets together for an all-age service that we call Get It Together. This is a 45-minute service that seeks to engage children, as well as adults, in the worship and learning through the use of games, puppets, quizzes and drama. This time is followed by cakes and fresh coffee or tea in the hall.


On the other Sundays the children leave for their own groups after the first few songs and the service lasts about 75 minutes. There is always prayer ministry available for those who are ill or going through a hard time and there is Holy Communion on the fourth Sunday of the month.



3.00pm Holy Communion


On the fourth Sunday of the month the church holds a short, traditional, Holy Communion Service at 3pm. This is mainly aimed at those who through age or illness find it difficult to come to church in the morning. However, everyone is welcome and the service is followed by refreshments in the hall.





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