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Healing & Wholeness

When Jesus was on earth he proclaimed the word of the kingdom of God. He also demonstrated the works of the kingdom by healing the sick, casting out demons, feeding the poor and showing love to all. Healing in body, mind and spirit is part of the salvation of God available through Jesus.















At St John's we want to help everyone to grow in wholeness in every way. This is an area we are developing but at the moment we offer the following:



Christian Growth Courses: to help people develop a God-centred outlook on life (see separate page for more details).


Pastoral Care & Listening: many of our leaders are happy to offer a listening ear, to chat over a cup of coffee or to pray    with you. Just get in touch with us and we'll try to help. We can't at present offer accredited counselling, but may be able to do so in the future.


Prayer: let us know your needs via the prayer mail page and a small group of people will pray for you.


Prayer Ministry: Each Sunday of the month there is opportunuity to receive the laying on of hands with prayer for healing at one of our morning services.  This takes place on the fourth Sunday of the month during the 9.30am service and on the 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month during our 11.00am service. At the 6.00pm Informal service we are learning to pray for one another for healing and at the end of any of our church services you may ask for prayer and one of the leaders will be glad to spend time with you.


Healing Service and Healing Room: On the first Sunday of the month, between 6pm and 8pm, the Church is open for our Healing Room.  This begins with a short service of healing from 6pm, followed by a drop-in session for anyone who wishes to receive the laying on of hands and prayer for healing in a quiet, reflective private and safe environment


Home Ministry: in addition, a member of our team will be happy to visit you at home, to listen to whatever is on your mind and to pray with your for healing or whatever circumstance you are facing.



Not sure whether you believe that prayer for healing works?  Why not click on the link to read some testimonies from people who have their lives improved through healing prayer:




Barcroft Grove, Yeadon,

Leeds, LS19 7XZ


Telephone: 0113 2501764



Charity Number: 1168480

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