Our vision statement describes the kind of church we are aiming to be. Our focus statement describes the core activities we are aiming to do. To put it another way: our vision statement describes where we are going as a church; our focus statement describes how we intend to get there.
We have found the "purpose-driven" church model very helpful in developing our sense of direction as a church.* In this model all the biblical instructions for Church life are grouped into five key purposes: worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and mission. By achieving a balance of these five purposes and growing stronger in each, the church becomes healthier - and healthy churches are usually growing churches.
This is expressed in the following focus statement.
Our Focus
  To bring glory to God by:
- living for his praise (worship),
- caring for each other (fellowship),
- growing in maturity (discipleship),
- serving with our gifts (ministry),
- and reaching out to others with his love (mission).
We are learning to focus all our time, money and energy as a church on these five purposes. And we are in the process of introducing a series of courses to help every member of the church to become better at fulfilling each of them. St John's is open to everyone whatever their circumstances and whatever stage of faith they are at. But it is our desire to see everyone grow into the people God created them to be and for the church to become living proof of the reality of God to our community. So we hope you'll join us as we seek to live for God's purposes together.
* This model is explained by Rick Warren in his book "The Purpose Driven Church"
Barcroft Grove, Yeadon,
Leeds, LS19 7XZ
Telephone: 0113 2501764
Email: church.office@stjohnsyeadon.org
Charity Number: 1168480
Relevant, Loving, Vibrant, Empowering and Growing
Barcroft Grove, Yeadon,
Leeds, LS19 7XZ
Telephone: 0113 2501764
Email: church.office@stjohnsyeadon.org
Charity Number: 1168480