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Prayer is key to all we do as individual Christians and as a church. In addition to the prayers in our church services, we pray in many other settings:



Whole Church prayer meeting

One evening each term we try to get everyone together in the church hall for worship,intercession and listening for God's direction to the church.


Prayer Chain

Urgent needs can be phoned through to the office and from there sent round a chain of people who will pray at home for the issues of concern.


Prayer Mail

Any request for prayer can be sent via the prayer mail link on the homepage and below. A small group of people will meet each week to bring these requests to God in prayer.




Prayer Warriors

A number of church members receive a list of of key prayer points for the life of the church, so that they can pray at home for the ministry and mission of St. John's.


Prayer Book

There is always a book in the entrance to the Church where people can write their requests for prayer. These are then passed onto our prayer chain and prayer warriors.


Prayer Days

Four times a year the church runs a pryer day where the church is open for 12 hours for those who wish to spend an hour or so with God.  Please click on the link to see some pictures of a previous Prayer Day.


Send Us A Prayer Request

Barcroft Grove, Yeadon,

Leeds, LS19 7XZ


Telephone: 0113 2501764



Charity Number: 1168480

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