Banns are an ancient legal tradition and have been read out every week in churches
across the land for millions of couples, over many centuries. They are an announcement
in church of your intention to marry and a chance for anyone to put forward a reason why
the marriage may not lawfully take place.
Banns have to be read at the parish church in the town where you live and at the church in
which you are to be married. Your banns can be read in church at any time during the
three months leading up to your wedding. This is often done over three consecutive
Sundays but does not have to be. It would be advisable to arrange to have your banns
read a few months in advance. A small fee is charged for reading banns in church. After
the reading of the banns you will be presented with a certificate to prove that the banns
have been read and there has been no impediment to your marriage.
Whilst you are not legally required to be present during the reading of your banns, it is a lovely tradition to come to Church and hear your banns being read. You could also bring your friends and family along to the special event and it's an opportunity to get to know your local church a little better. Here at St John's we always pray for the banns couple after the third reading which can be a moving experience for a banns couple. Banns are usually read at our 11am service but you can request them to be read at the 9.30am service instead, if you prefer.
If you live in the Parish of Yeadon and are getting married in a Church of England church other than St John's, then you must have your banns read at St John's Church, Yeadon.
Banns Reading at St John's
In order to have your banns read at St John's, please follow the steps below:
1. Download the Wedding Banns Pdf form using the button below. If you are unable to download the form then please use the 'Contact Us' button at the top of the page to let us know and we can email the form out to you instead.
2. Fill out the form and write a cheque for £51.00 which covers the fees for reading the banns and the banns certificate. Please do not send cash. Cheques are payable to "Yeadon St Johns PCC".
3. Post the form and cheque to:
St John's Vicarage
Barcroft Grove
LS19 7XZ
4. We will contact you when we receive your form and payment, informing you of the date the banns are to be read. If these dates are not convenient then please contact the church office on 0113 2501764 to arrange an alternative date. If you have not heard from us after 4 weeks of posting the form and cheque to us, please ring the church office in case your form has been lost in the post.
Office hours are: Monday to Thursday 9.30am - 12pm
You can leave a message at any time and your call will be returned.
5. After the third banns reading we will either hand the banns certificate to you personally, if you attend the service that day, or post the certificate to you. This certificate will need to be given to the church where you are to be married.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns and we'll be glad to help. We wish you every blessing as you prepare for your big day!

Wedding Banns

Relevant, Loving, Vibrant, Empowering and Growing


Barcroft Grove, Yeadon,
Leeds, LS19 7XZ
Telephone: 0113 2501764
Charity Number: 1168480